
Many thanks to our generous donors for supporting neighborhood projects: 

"Friends of Lakeside Village" is a nonprofit of residents and businesses. Over the years, projects have included better lighting along the M-line tracks, tree trimming, graffiti abatement, and Lakeside Landing

We have listened to your ideas for priorities (below). We will add new projects so please check back regularly! 

Flowers $20

Are you enjoying the community gardens at Lakeside Landing and along Ocean Ave? Your gift will help add more flowers to Lakeside Village. $20 buys a small assortment of beautiful flowers at wholesale prices.

Small Checkers $40

Fun for the whole family! Teens painted small boards for games on the Lakeside Landing benches. $40 buys two replacement sets of small checkers in waterproof containers for everyone to play! 

Activities $100

Lakeside Landing hosts many free events for families. $100 provides a stipend to teachers for classes e.g. a clinic to help rescue your potted plants -- or an expert to help rescue your giant chess game!

Projects $200

Volunteers have organized projects from painting murals to beautifying sidewalks. $200 supports ongoing expenses such as the weeding program by high school interns and printing flyers for events!

Please contact if you have ideas for new grants, or to receive our monthly newsletter, or learn about volunteer opportunities, or organize events. Follow us on Instagram! We look forward to seeing you in Lakeside Village!

About Friends of Lakeside Village: We are volunteers who work on community-generated projects. We are a fiscally sponsored partner of San Francisco Parks Alliance (SFPA). This means that we are part of the SFPA 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status for grants and donations. 

Your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a tax deduction, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. 

You can also mail a gift to SF Parks Alliance at 166 Geary St STE 1500 #2362, San Francisco, CA 94108. Please make the check payable to San Francisco Parks Alliance with "Friends of Lakeside Village" in the memo so SFPA knows where to direct your gift. 

To help SFPA be in compliance with sunshine ordinance, please include a note with your gift confirming whether or not you have a financial interest with or pending before the City of San Francisco e.g. any contract, grant, lease, or request for license, permit, or other entitlement. You can simply add a note saying "yes, I have a financial interest", or "no, I do not have a financial interest", or include this form with your check: